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There are many activities taking place as part of the church, some of them on a regular basis and some of them more sporadically.

Some of our more regular activities include:

Pick-a-Flick – this is a monthly gathering where participants meet in the Canterbury room for a coffee, watch a film and then share a soup, cheese and pudding lunch together afterwards.  Transport is provided if required. This fun and enjoyable event offers very good value at £5 per person. The new large screen in the Canterbury room particularly enhances the viewing experience! Please see our what’s on page for the latest Pick-a-Flick news.

Prayer breakfast – this group meets at 8:15 once a month on Saturdays for coffee and croissants followed by a short Bible passage for discussion and then prayers for the life and health of our three parishes. You are welcome to join – just let the parish office know so that we can cater appropriately.

Flower-arranging – our dedicated group of volunteers continue to delight with beautiful and imaginative floral decorations. These can also be particularly appreciated for weddings, funerals and special festivals. If you would like to help please contact us through the benefice office.

Care for Creation – this is a relatively new initiative trying to take a more active role in looking after the beautiful world we live in. Please visit our Care for Creation Pages for further details.

Marriage Preparation courses – we periodically run courses for couples planning to get married.  These are a fun and sociable way to explore the issues that can arise in relationships. We have also followed these with a gathering of couples following their marriages where they can continue to share their experiences.

Lent Groups – in partnership with the other churches in the village, we have run ecumenical groups in the Lenten Period to study and discuss in more depth the many aspects of our faith. We have usually followed a specific course or book chosen for that year to help guide the conversations. Groups have been offered on various days and at a range of times during the day or evening to suit participants differing lives. They have been hosted at individuals’ homes and are usually a weekly event for the few weeks leading up to Holy Week. Information about these groups is normally disseminated via the weekly news sheet and you are then invited to participate via sign-up sheets in church.

Bereavement courses – these four-week courses have been greatly appreciated by people in the months following a bereavement to help them to come to terms with their loss.  We are fortunate that we have professional bereavement counsellors in the congregation who give their time to facilitate these courses for us.  Course dates are notified in the weekly news.